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Icon-C Interfaces*
Ralph E. Griswold
TR 90-8b
January 1, 1990; last revised March 11, 1990
Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721
*This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under
Grant CCR-8713690.
Icon-C Interfaces
Version 8 of Icon [1] supports two complementary features for
calling C functions from Icon and vice versa. The two facilities
are independent, but they may be used in conjunction and recur-
In their simplest form, these facilities can be used with only
a little knowledge of how Icon is implemented. Sophisticated
uses, however, require a good working knowledge of Icon data
structures and Icon's internal operation [2,3].
The Icon function callout(x0, x1, ..., xn) allows C functions
to be called from Icon programs. The first argument, x0, desig-
nates the C function to be called. The remaining arguments of
callout() are supplied to the C function (possibly in modified
form). The method of specifying C functions varies with system
and application. In order to provide the necessary flexibility,
callout() in turn calls a C function extcall(), which has the
dptr extcall(dptr argv, int argc, int *ip)
where argv is a pointer to an array of descriptors containing the
arguments, argc is the number of arguments, and ip is a pointer
to an integer status code. The value returned by extcall() is a
pointer to a descriptor if the computation is successful or NULL
if it fails (which causes callout() to fail).
A stub for extcall() is provided. It should be replaced by an
appropriate C function. Alternatively, the Icon function cal-
lout() can be modified to avoid the intermediate function call.
A simple mechanism for designating C functions is to associate
an integer with each one that can be called and use a C switch
statement in extcall() to select the desired one. This method is
used in the first example in Appendix A. A better method is to
use string names, as illustrated by the second function in Appen-
dix A. On most systems, all the C functions to be called must be
linked with Icon (presumably through references in extcall()). On
a system like OS/2 that supports run-time dynamic linking, C
- 1 -
functions can be loaded as needed during program execution.
The data interface also has to be handled by extcall() (or its
equivalent). Arguments provided by Icon are in its descriptor
format. Icon contains conversion facilities in its repertoire of
macros and utility functions. Some that may be useful in exter-
nal functions are:
cvint(dp) Converts the value in the descriptor pointed
to by dp to an integer, returning CvtFail if
the conversion cannot be performed.
IntVal(d) Accesses the (long) integer value of the
integer descriptor d.
MakeInt(i,dp). Constructs a integer descriptor pointed to by
dp from the (long) integer i.
cvstr(dp,sbuf) Converts the value in the descriptor pointed
to by dp to a string in sbuf, returning
CvtFail if the conversion cannot be per-
Qual(d) Tests if d is a descriptor for a string.
StrLen(d) Accesses the length of the string in the
descriptor d.
StrLoc(d) Accesses the address of the string in the
descriptor d.
qtos(dp,sbuf) Constructs a C-style string from the descrip-
tor pointed to by dp, placing it in sbuf, a
buffer of length MaxCvtLen, if it is small
enough or in the allocated string region if
it is not.
strreq(i) Requests i characters of space in the allo-
cated string region, returning Error if the
space is not available.
alcstr(sbuf,i) Copies the string of length i in sbuf to the
allocated string region.
blkreq(i) Requests i bytes of space in the allocated
block region, returning Error if the space is
not available.
cvreal(dp) Converts the value in the descriptor pointed
to by dp to a real number (floating-point
double), returning CvtFail if the conversion
- 2 -
makereal(r,dp) Constructs a real-number block for r and
places a pointer to it in the descriptor
pointed to by dp).
GetReal(dp,r) Places the floating-point double from the
descriptor pointed to by dp into r.
Conversion between Icon's structure values and C structs is
more complicated and must be handled on a case-by-case basis.
There are several global descriptors that may be useful in
external functions:
nulldesc descriptor for the null value
zerodesc descriptor for the Icon integer 0
onedesc descriptor for the Icon integer 1
emptystr descriptor for the empty string
See iconx/idata.c for others.
The status code pointed to by ip is used for error handling.
It is -1 when extcall() is called, indicating the absence of an
error. If an error occurs in extcall(), the status code should be
set to the number of an Icon run-time error [1]. Error 216
should be used if the designated C function is not found.
In some cases the error number is set by a utility routine
(strreq() is an example). In such cases, the status code should
be set to zero. If there is a descriptor associated with the
error, a pointer to that descriptor should be returned by ext-
call(). If there is no specific descriptor associated with the
error, extcall() should return NULL. See the examples in Appendix
If the status code is not -1 when extcall() returns, callout()
terminates program execution with a run-time error message
corresponding to the value of the status code.
The C function icon_call(), which is contained in Icon, is the
complement of the Icon function callout(). The prototype for
icon_call() is
dptr icon_call(char *id, int nargs, dptr argv)
where id is the string name of a procedure in the Icon program to
be run and nargs is the number of descriptors in the array argv.
The procedure is called with the specified arguments. The value
returned is a pointer to the descriptor produced by the procedure
if it returns or suspends, or NULL if the procedure fails. The
- 3 -
global variable call_error is set to a nonzero value if the pro-
cedure is not found. See Appendix B for examples.
Before icon_call() is called the first time, Icon must be ini-
tialized by calling icont_init(prog), where prog is the name of
the icode file to be run. This loads the named icode file, sets
up Icon's storage regions, and readies Icon for execution. Subse-
quently, icon_call() can be called repeatedly.
External functions (callout()) normally are enabled when Icon
is compiled. They can be disabled by adding
#define NoExternalFunctions
to define.h and recompiling.
The ability to call an Icon program from C normally is dis-
abled when Icon is compiled. It can be enabled by adding
#define IconCalling
to define.h and recompiling. Since the ability to call an Icon
program from C increases the overhead of calling C functions from
Icon (to support possible recursion), the ability to call an Icon
program from C should not be enabled unless it is needed.
To add external functions to Icon, it is only necessary to
write the appropriate code, place it in a file named extcall.c to
replace the distributed stub, and to link Icon with its object
module in place of the one for the stub.
To call Icon from a C program, it is necessary to provide the
C program and use its object module in place of the one for
istart.c, which is used by default (see the second example in
Appendix B). It is necessary to link the entire Icon run-time
system with the calling program. The resulting executable file is
quite large.
There presently is no mechanism for resuming a procedure that
suspends as the result of icon_call().
A procedure called by icon_call() suspends by calling the Icon
interpreter. There is no mechanism for unwinding the system stack
in such a situation.
- 4 -
The facilities described here were based on ones written by
Bill Griswold, using earlier work of Andy Heron. The implementa-
tion for Version 8 of Icon was done by Sandra Miller and the
author. Some of the material in this report was adapted from
implementation notes provided by Bill Griswold.
1. R. E. Griswold, Version 8 of Icon, The Univ. of Arizona
Tech. Rep. 90-1, 1990.
2. R. E. Griswold and M. T. Griswold, The Implementation of the
Icon Programming Language, Princeton University Press, 1986.
3. R. E. Griswold, Supplementary Information for the
Implementation of Version 8 of Icon, The Univ. of Arizona
Icon Project Document IPD112, 1990.
- 5 -
Appendix A - Examples of External Functions
* Example of calling C functions by integer codes. Here it's
* one of three UNIX functions:
* 1: getpid (get process identification)
* 2: getppid (get parent process identification)
* 3: getpgrp (get process group)
#include "../h/config.h"
#include "../h/rt.h"
#include "rproto.h"
struct descrip retval; /* for returned value */
dptr extcall(dargv, argc, ip)
dptr dargv;
int argc;
int *ip;
int retcode;
int getpid(), getppid(), getpgrp();
*ip = -1; /* anticipate error-free execution */
if (cvint(dargv) == CvtFail) { /* 1st argument must be a string */
*ip = 101; /* "integer expected" error number */
return dargv; /* return offending value */
- 6 -
switch ((int)IntVal(*dargv)) {
case 1: /* getpid */
retcode = getpid();
case 2: /* getppid */
retcode = getppid();
case 3: /* getpgrp */
if (argc < 2) {
*ip = 205; /* no error number fits, really */
return NULL; /* no offending value */
dargv++; /* get to next value */
if (cvint(dargv) == CvtFail) { /* 2nd argument must be integer */
*ip = 101; /* "integer expected" error number */
return dargv;
retcode = getpgrp(IntVal(*dargv));
*ip = 216; /* external function not found */
return NULL;
MakeInt(retcode,&retval); /* make an Icon integer for result */
return &retval;
* Example of calling C functions by their names. Here it's just
* chdir (change directory) or getwd (get path of current working directory).
#include "../h/config.h"
#include "../h/rt.h"
#include "rproto.h"
struct descrip retval; /* for returned value */
- 7 -
dptr extcall(dargv, argc, ip)
dptr dargv;
int argc;
int *ip;
int len, retcode;
char sbuf1[MaxCvtLen]; /* for conversion on non-strings */
char sbuf2[MaxCvtLen]; /* for C-style string */
int chdir(), getwd();
*ip = -1; /* anticipate error-free execution */
if (cvstr(dargv, sbuf1) == CvtFail) { /* 1st argument must be a string */
*ip = 103; /* "string expected" error number */
return dargv; /* return offending value */
if (strncmp("chdir", StrLoc(*dargv), StrLen(*dargv)) == 0) {
if (argc < 2) { /* must be a 2nd argument */
*ip = 103; /* no error number fits, really */
return NULL; /* no offedning value */
dargv++; /* get to next argument */
if (cvstr(dargv, sbuf1) == CvtFail) { /* 2nd argument must be a string */
*ip = 103; /* "string expected" error number */
return dargv; /* return offending value */
qtos(dargv,sbuf2); /* get C-style string in sbuf2 */
retcode = chdir(sbuf2); /* try to change directory */
if (retcode == -1) /* see if chdir failed */
return (dptr)NULL; /* signal failure */
return &zerodesc; /* not a very useful result */
else if (strncmp("getwd", StrLoc(*dargv), StrLen(*dargv)) == 0) {
dargv++; /* get to next argument */
retcode = getwd(sbuf2); /* get current working directory */
if (retcode == 0) /* see if getwd failed */
return NULL; /* signal failure */
len = strlen(sbuf2); /* length of resulting string */
if (strreq(len) == Error) { /* need to allocate a copy of result */
*ip = 0; /* zero since code is set elsewhere */
return (dptr)NULL; /* no offending value */
StrLoc(retval) = alcstr(sbuf2,len); /* allocate and copy the string */
StrLen(retval) = len;
return &retval; /* return a pointer to the qualifier */
- 8 -
else {
*ip = 216; /* name is not one of those supported here */
return dargv; /* return pointer to offending value */
- 9 -
Appendix B - Examples of Calling Icon
* Demonstration program to call an Icon procedure with arguments. This
* program is used as
* iconval iprog proc arg1 arg2 ...
* where iprog is the name of the Icon icode file, proc is the name of
* a procedure in it, and arg1, arg2, ... are arguments passed to proc.
* It prints out the result if proc succeeds or notes if the procedure fails.
* It prints a diagnostic message if proc is not a procedure in iprog.
#include "../h/config.h"
#include "../h/rt.h"
#include "rproto.h"
extern int call_error;
novalue main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int clargc;
char **clargv;
dptr retval, iargv;
int i;
char sbuf[MaxCvtLen];
* Read in the icode file argv[1] and initialize the Icon system.
* This must be done for any C program calling Icon.
- 10 -
* Skip the names of the executable and the file it processes. It
* is only necessary to get the the procedure name and its arguments from
* the command line.
clargv = argv + 2;
clargc = argc - 3;
* Malloc space for the list of descriptors and create Icon qualifiers
* for each argument.
iargv = (dptr)malloc(clargc * sizeof(struct descrip));
for (i = 0; i < clargc; i++) {
StrLoc(iargv[i]) = clargv[i + 1];
StrLen(iargv[i]) = strlen(clargv[i + 1]);
retval = icon_call(*clargv, clargc, iargv);
if (call_error) {
fprintf(stderr,"procedure not found0);
if (retval == NULL)
fprintf(stdout,"evaluation failed0);
else {
/* Check type of result returned. Don't attempt to print anything
* but strings and integers here.
if (Qual(*retval)) {
else if (Type(*retval) == T_Integer)
* Main program if Icon is called as a subprogram.
- 11 -
#include "../h/config.h"
#include "../h/rt.h"
#include "rproto.h"
#ifdef IconCalling
novalue main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int clargc;
char **clargv;
int i;
struct descrip darg;
* Set up standard Icon interface. This is only necessary so that
* Icon can behave normally as if it were the main program.
* It is not necessary if Icon is called by a C program for another
* purpose.
#if VMS
redirect(&argc, argv, 0);
#endif /* VMS */
icon_setup(argc, argv, &i);
while (i--) { /* skip option arguments */
if (!argc)
error("no icode file specified");
* Read in the icode file argv[1] and initialize the Icon system.
* This must be done for any C program calling Icon.
- 12 -
* Skip the names of the executable and the file it processes. This
* is necessary only to get the right arguments from the command line
* to call Icon as if it were the main program and hence provide
* the correct values in the list that is the argument of Icon's main
* procedure. This is not necessary if Icon is called from C for
* another purpose.
clargv = argv + 2;
clargc = argc - 2;
* Set up a temporary stack and build the necessary list
* to call main.
sp = stack + Wsizeof(struct b_coexpr);
argp = (dptr)(sp - 1);
for (i = 0; i < clargc; i++) {
Ollist(clargc, argp);
* Now that the list is computed, copy its descriptor off the
* stack (which is about to be destroyed), reset the argument
* pointer, and make the call to the Icon main procedure.
darg = *argp;
argp = 0;
icon_call("main", 1, &darg); /* return signal and value ignored */
#else /* IconCalling */
static char x; /* avoid empty module */
#endif /* IconCalling */
- 13 -